What titles do you support?

We provide APIs for:

  • Apex Legends
  • CS:GO
  • The Division 2
  • Splitgate 

The API documentation can be found here.

Note: You do not have permission to use any TRN endpoints that are not listed on the documentation above.

Is scraping permitted?

Please do not scrape our websites. It costs us a lot of money to have these servers and databases, we offer an API when we can. Scraping our site slows down our sites for everyone. We will block you, and if you persist, we will get legal involved.

My application was not approved for production use, why?

  • It's likely you didn't provide enough information on your project when you applied.
  • You're attempting to use endpoints we didn't give you permission to use.
  • Your idea breaks our ToS, or the game developer's.
  • The amount of requests over time is not high enough.

You can re-apply by creating another app and re-submitting your production use application.

There's an issue with my key, or the API I'm using.

Check for any relevant information in our Discord, it may be pinned in the #trn-api channel. If there's nothing relevant to you, post a message and we'll get back to you.